- People and Bison Successfully Share the Land / NRDC
Montana homeowner Karrie Taggart talks about what it's like to successfully share the landscape with America's largest, wild bison population.
- Fighting for Safe Water in Flint / NRDC
When the citizens of Flint learned that mismanagement of the drinking water caused lead to leach out from aging pipes into thousands of homes, they came together to fight for safe water.
- The Waswanipi Cree Call to Protect Their Last Pristine Land / NRDC
First Nations Cree speak out against logging companies that are pushing to destroy millions of acres of one of the last remaining stretches of the boreal forest.
- Chicagoans Battle Manganese Dust Pollution / NRDC
Members of the Southeast Side Environmental Task Force are raising awareness about the dangers of manganese dust that have plagued their families and neighbors on Chicago's Southeast Side.
- Cover Crops: The Secret Weapon to Healthier Soil / NRDC
Aaron Lehman, a fifth-generation Iowa farmer, started planting cover crops a little over a decade ago—and hasn't looked back.
- Citizens Speak Out Against Trump's Attack on Public Lands / NRDC
Four Americans describe what's at stake in the fight to save our public lands.
- Trapped: Homeowners of Flood-Prone Properties Need Flood Insurance Reform / NRDC
Olga McKissic has seen her home flood four times. But she's stuck there because the current National Flood Insurance Program is broken.
- Dangers of the Drill / NRDC
Fracking companies don't make for good neighbors. Learn how oil and gas drilling is threatening our communities and health.
- Acid Seas / NRDC
You've heard about how carbon pollution is driving climate change, but did you know it's also a threat to oceans and all the marine life that calls them home?
- Runaway Risk / NRDC Social Media
It's downright dangerous to ship crude oil using a train of up to 100 linked tanker cars. And yet, these bomb trains are running through our towns day and night.
- Save Elephants / NRDC Social Media
The battle to save elephants won't be over until we ban the ivory trade around the world.
- Tar Sands Tankers / NRDC Social Media
Big Oil is planning to move millions of gallons of dirty tar sands oil using fleets of supertankers.
- Weaving a Navajo Tradition / New York Times
In New Mexico, a weaver, an auction organizer and a trading post owner explain the struggles facing the creation of hand-crafted rugs.
- The Sound of the Ukulele / New York Times
In Southern California, members of the Ukulele Society of America gather to play a few songs and learn a few chords.
- Ancient Midwest Road Trip / New York Times
On a road trip of a few days in Illinois, Indiana and Ohio you'll find the burial mounds of long-vanished civilization.
- The Mysterious Faces of Cave Kiva / New York Times
Seven mask paintings that may have been religious symbols are hidden within caves near El Paso.
- Winter Hiking 101 / New York Times
To reach the summit of Mount Washington, in New Hampshire's Presidential Range, training makes it safer for hikers facing hurricane-force winds.
- Exploring New Mexico's Gila Wilderness / New York Times
In Southwestern New Mexico, this furrowed countryside, with its mix of canyons, mesas and grasslands, provides miles of vistas among a smattering of towns.